Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mother's Day Gift

Here is an great idea if your mother has many recipes:

I bought notecard holders and wrote 'A Taste of History' on the top.
On each box, I put every siblings name and wrote 'Love, Mom'

My mom is an amazing chef with many recipes.
She has a great website www.portionofparsha.com where she writes about the Torah parsha of the week and combines it with tasty recipes.

Inside each box, I made different tabs
-soups and salads
-cocktails and appetizers

i also included a packet of notecards
for each section. (color coded of course)

this way, every child can open their box and pull out recipes that have been passed down for many generations.

all mom has to do is print her recipes out on each notecard and put it in the correct section.
it may sound like a lot of work but it is well worth it.

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